What are we lookin' at here?

These are infographics of specific Trichocereus cacti, pachanoi, peruvianus, bridgesii and terscheckii. Others will be added in the future and the existing ones will be updated. If you are learning to indentify sacred cacti, keyholders, etc, this is a good place to start. The more you learn to ID the more variance you realize there is in the world of trichos, and I am constantly learning, unlearning, and relearning. These prints are also available for sale on my Etsy wicked cheap if you want a high quality print and to support the project. This is a project by tricho lovers, for tricho lovers, and I like to call it trichoart.

Why are you giving these away for free?

Because I can. This is information I wish I had in this form when I was first learning. Now as I continue to learn I can also share what I know as I have a believe that information should be accessible. You can download these, share them around, etc. I'd prefer if you give me credit, as they were a lot of work, or at least not crop out my copyright, if you do share them around though. Feel free to print these out as well, they are not the same format as I use for printing in my shop and will probably not come out as good, BUT, I'm not going to hold it against you, it's totally cool with me. If you do want to buy one, I usually have all of these available in my Etsy shop real cheap. 


Hallo deutsche Leser! Ich habe eine Kopie von Backebergs Kakteenlexikon gekauft, um einige deutsche Kaktusbegriffe zu lernen, und werde sie nach Möglichkeit aktualisieren. Ich hoffe, der Google-Übersetzer hat vorerst geklappt!

Bonjour mes amis francophones, je peux parle votre langue mais je ne peux pas bien l'ecrire. Desole, mais peut-etre apres j'ai lu l'oeuvre de LEM.